Family Night Ideas

When our kids were young, we used to have family night every Friday. As they got older we needed to move it around to accomodate sports, music, and other extra curricular activities that might come along. Too often we were so busy with the daily routines to enjoy our time together. Everything became a chore… Continue reading Family Night Ideas

One thing I’ve learned about loving others…

(Last published Feb 14, 2023 There are a lot of concepts about love and a lot of forms of love. There’s romantic love, there’s fraternal love, there’s friendship love, there’s parental love, etc. But what is love and how do we love? I’m no expert, but here is ONE thing I’ve learned about loving others: … Continue reading One thing I’ve learned about loving others…


Since the beginning of summer, on my walk I’ve gotten to see a family of geese grow from the little goslings that they started as to the grown geese they are becoming. When they were little, I didn’t have to be too close in order for the parent to hiss at me, just passing by… Continue reading THE JOY OF RAISING TEENS

Categorized as Parenting