The Widow’s Offering

The Gospel of Mark tells the story of a widow who gave all she had. Jesus was sitting in the temple near the offering box and watching people put in their gifts. He noticed that many rich people were giving a lot of money. Finally, a poor widow came up and put in two coins worth… Continue reading The Widow’s Offering

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Categorized as Woman

A New Way of Looking at Goals

I have often gone a little crazy with goals, especially as I approach a birthday or the New Year. Recently, I read The Practice by Seth Godin, who helped me see that a lot of the things we set as goals are actually out of our control. They are outcomes to practices and processes, but they are… Continue reading A New Way of Looking at Goals

Categorized as Home, Woman

How can you form a good habit?

Last Sunday, our pastor shared a little bit about his morning routine. It included a very specific and meticulous process of preparing his coffee and then taking that coffee to the spot where he spends time in prayer and study. What he was describing is what James Clear calls Habit Stacking in his book, Atomic… Continue reading How can you form a good habit?

Categorized as Woman

My word for 2023

(Last published, 1/1/23) Many of you know that every year I pick a word that is kind of my growth word for the year. Last year’s word was “release.” I did a lot of releasing last year. It’s an ongoing process, but I really felt like I made progress in this area in 2022. This… Continue reading My word for 2023

One thing I’ve learned about loving others…

(Last published Feb 14, 2023 There are a lot of concepts about love and a lot of forms of love. There’s romantic love, there’s fraternal love, there’s friendship love, there’s parental love, etc. But what is love and how do we love? I’m no expert, but here is ONE thing I’ve learned about loving others: … Continue reading One thing I’ve learned about loving others…

3 Things that can help you move forward when you feel stuck. 

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve resisted routine. To me, routine was synonymous with boring. And boring meant an uninteresting life. I didn’t realize it then, but I did have routines. All humans do. The question was, did I fall into routines or was I intentional about them? The reality is that an intentional routine leads to success.… Continue reading 3 Things that can help you move forward when you feel stuck.