How can we get more out of the time in our day?

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Time management is one of my favorite topics. Probably because I’m deathly afraid of wasting it. No wonder one of my favorite paslms says, “Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.”   If you have goals, I know you want to reach them, even if you don’t have them written down. We would all like to feel like we are reaching our goals, large and small. We all want to be able to say that we are getting better, that we are learning, that we are growing, even if we don’t think about it a lot. The problem is finding time to add one more thing to our already busy schedule in order to reach those goals and to become more of the people we want to be.

The good news is, we don’t necessarily have to add more things to our busy schedule. We can choose those things which bring us greater results. Exponential results.   For example, we all know we should exercise. In my case, though, because I need to keep the diabetes I was diagnosed with two years ago reversed, I need to choose strength exercise over other forms of exercise because that kind of exercise exponentially fights against diabetes. It’s not that other exercises are not good, it’s that strength exercise brings higher results in regards to my personal goals.   Another example is dinner. When the food is ready, it’s easy for every member of the family to get a plate, serve themselves and leave. Go watch t.v., go back to the bedroom, etc. But since we all have to eat anyway, why not create or enforce the habit of eating together? Having conversations at the table has way more benefits than eating in front of the tv. We get to get better at listening, at sharing, at laughing together, and establish a life long relationship. Eating together becomes exponential.  

Being intentional in our time management helps accomplish more with the same activities and at the same time, take one step closer to achieveing our goals. So what are you already doing that you can modify so that you can get more out of the time in your day?

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