When I was homeschooling our kids, there was one thing we enjoyed doing all together. Reading good books out loud. As our kids grew, their love for reading continued. I admit that reading together is easier when it’s part of homeschool. Trying to fit it in between school hours, homework, chores and dinner is a challenge. That’s why I think summer is the best time to get some good books to read outloud regardless of your kids’ ages. Here are some of our favorites. (I looked up the age recommendations)

The Chronicles of Narnia (6 & older)

This whole series is amazing. Full of allegory and wisdom. I can’t imagine my kids growing up without having read them, so we read them several times and then my kids picked them up to read on their own. We even listened to them on our road trips!  

The Harry Potter Series (8 & older)

Also available to listen to on audible. Reading out loud sparks the imagination. My kids have often said that watching the movies to books they have read have sometimes ruined their image of what the characters looked like. For this series, we liked both the movies and the books.  

Anne of Green Gables (9 & older)

This is a lovable story of an orphan girl who is adopted by a brother and sister. Her life as an orphan and the time period setting make this a wonderful read. My granddaughters have enjoyed my reading this series to them. I am always impressed that kids as young as six years old enjoy these books even though the reading can be quite complex.   

The American Girl Book Series (8 & older)

Your girls will love this series. They are set in different time periods and represent different socioeconomic statuses. My girls and my granddaughters have enjoyed this book series.  

Charlotte’s Web (7 & older)

There are classics that must be read, not only because of the story line, but because they are part of what we can call, “The Great Conversation.” That is, they are referenced so much in life, education, movies, etc, that to not have read them, is to exclude yourself from the conversation where it is referenced. Charlotte’s Web is one of these.   

To Kill a Mockingbird (12 & older)

This is another classic must read. I agree with the age recommendation. It is written for adults but the meaning comes across easily. This is a book that the more you read it, the more you realize you missed the time before.   

There are so many books I could recommend and I have left out a great deal. If none of these appeal to you, look up Penguin books, Goodreads recommendations, or Harper to name a few. These are some of my favorite books. I hope you get to enjoy them with your kids as I did with mine.